Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: I know I won’t have final numbers by the October (Camp Crest) cut off date, should I still register on-line with a attendance approximation?
Answer 1: Yes, please register on-line even if its only an approximation, you can update your attendance with the final numbers form closer to the camp or at registration on Friday night. It takes over a month for crests to be made and shipped to ensure we have them for camp. Groups that register after the October date will not be guaranteed a crest, but that doesn't mean they wont get one.
Question 2 : Our AAF hasn't been approved yet, should I still complete the on-line registration form?
Answer 2: Yes, please register on-line even if your AAF hasn't been approved yet. Just email your AAF when you it completed. Make sure you have the same Group Name on both your registration Form and AFF so we can match them up, it's always good practice to bring a hard copy of all the forms just incase.
Question 3: Do we just pay the $35 deposit by Nov 3rd and then pay for the attending youth/scouters when we arrive onsite for the event?
Answer 3: Yes, you need to pay the group fee of $35 by Nov. 3rd to guarantee you a site . You can pay all the participant fees (youth & Scouter) of $35 at the same time as the group fee or pay the participant when you arrive.
Question 4: Do we need to complete the health form for each participant or is a copy of their report sufficient?
Answer 4: Please complete our health form which is provided for all campers (Participants and Staff). For larger events like Genesis, the information helps our first responder team incase of an emergency. Even though it says its for non-members, that is the form we would like you to fill out.
Question 5: How do we know that we have registered?
Answer 5: We update our "Who is Attending" camp button on the home page every few days.
Question 6: Is there a sign-up sheet for Scouters to help volunteer with Saturday activities?
Answer 6: Genesis is one of the largest senior scouting events is Canada, however we usually don't have enough offer of service volunteers to facilitate all the program we offer. We rely greatly on scouters to help volunteer on the Saturday for our activities. Without the support of scouters many of your activities wouldn't run. There will be a sign-up binder at registration and at the scouters meeting (Friday night after opening) for volunteers to sign-up.
Question 7: Our group doesn't have bank cheques is there any other option for payment?
Answer 7: If you can't send in the Group Fee Cheque, you can pay for both Group Fee and Participant Fee when you arrive at camp. At Registration we take Credit Cards, Debit and Cash. Furthermore, if you register the week before camp, please don't mail your cheque, just pay the full amount at registration.