Scouter Support Registration
During the youth program scheduled on Saturday of camp, Genesis will be offering in-house Scouter Support, which will include; workshops, drop-in training sessions, events and Section Scouter Woodbadge 2 - module review and support. This year we will be starting out small and continue to add more program each year. We have seen comments on social media, that there is a need and a willingness from volunteers wanting more in-person training. Genesis understands that a volunteers time is precious, and with busy schedules, asking volunteers to give up another weekend for training might be impossible for some. Like the saying goes "feed two birds with one scone", for those Active Scouters who have already took the weekend to attend Genesis Ventmoot with there group, why not spend an hour, or the morning or the whole day learning something new, while your youth are out doing there own activities. If you are interested in attending, please fill out the registration form below. Filling out the registration form below will give us an idea of the number of Scouters interested in this program. Also, please fill out the survey of topics so we can better support your needs.
Note: Scouter Support Program is only being offered to Scouters who are registered as a participate with a group that is attending Genesis.
Note: Scouter Support Program is only being offered to Scouters who are registered as a participate with a group that is attending Genesis.
Additional Documentation
For additional training and development resources click on the Scouts Canada Logo below!