Welcome to Genesis Camporee
ATTENTION: Genesis Ventmoot will be running this Fall! Save the Date and register NOW!
Please join us for the 24th Annual Genesis Ventmoot!
Genesis 24 will be held Next November 8-10th, 2024 and is located at Camp BEL in Dorchester, Ontario.
Genesis is growing each year with approximately 650 in attendance last years. Making Genesis one of the LARGEST Venturer Camps in Canada.
Genesis is for Venturer and Rover Aged Youth (14-26 year of age) who are active members with Scouts Canada, Boy or Girl Scouts of America or Girl Guides of Canada.
Genesis is also open to 3rd and 4th year Scouts to introduce them to Venturer age programming. Scouts must come with their Company.
Genesis Work Weekend is scheduled for October 26, 2024. Sign-up under "Registration."
The Dutch Oven Cook-Off Challenge will be continuing this year with GREAT PRIZES to be won. Sign-up under "Program".
***NEW*** Scouter Support, drop-in training sessions, events and Section Scouter Woodbadge 2 - module support. Sign-up under "Program"
This years theme for Genesis XXIV is " Good vs Evil" Dress-up and WIN AMAZING PRIZES!
We look forward to seeing you at camp!!
Please feel free to download the Scouters package.